जय श्री शक्ति – Jay Shri Shakti !
जय शिव शंभू – Jay Shiv Shambhu!
Welcome to the website of Reinhard Gammenthaler.

Behind me is infinite power
Before me is endless possibility
Around me is boundless opportunity
Why should I fear?
Reinhard Gammenthaler is a Swiss Yoga adept and Yoga teacher. He is a disciple of Swami Dhirendra Brahmachari, the successor of Saint Shri Maharshi Kartikeya. In 1979 Reinhard began Sadhana under his Guru, and since 2002 he has worked internationally as a Yoga teacher, initially founding a school for traditional Hatha- or Kundalini-Yoga in his hometown of Bern. His book Kundalini-Yoga Parampara: The Living Tradition of Kundalini-Yoga, published in 2010, is a comprehensive standard work on the practice and philosophy of Hatha-Yoga. In 2020 he moved to Oberburg in Emmental, where he has been teaching at Yogahaus Oberburg since October 2022.